Touchdown Pro is an endless running online game. In this game, you are set on a Canadian football field to score a touchdown.

Game Wiki


Touch down Pro


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Single Player


Available free

Full-Screen Mode



Web Browser

Gameplay of Touchdown Pro

The objective of the game is to score the maximum touchdowns. To score a touchdown, you have to run 10 yards. When you complete 10 yards you will get one touchdown.

While running you have to avoid the opponents. These opponents will try to catch or grab you. It is an endless game.

To avoid being tackled by the opponents, you must run away from them or anticipate their movements in advance.

There is a speed meter in the game. You can see this meter in the middle of the screen. It shows the speed of your player. You can slow down the speed of your player by leaving the left mouse button if you are playing on your desktop.

Next to the speed meter, the number indicates the touchdown earned while playing.

Touchdown Pro Gameplay Screenshot

When you are tackled in the game, the game ends and you have to restart the game. Although the game ends on being tackled, your touchdowns and record will not come to zero.

The touchdowns keep on adding to your scorecard because the game is endless. The record indicates the maximum number of touchdowns or high scores you have earned without being caught.

You can see your cumulative touchdown and record by going to the Shop menu. A player can see this menu at the bottom of the screen

Screenshot – Shop Menu

From the Shop menu, you can unlock various characters. To unlock any character, you have to fulfill two conditions i.e. touchdowns and a high score.

There are 5 characters in the game. You start the game with Rookie as a default. See the other locked characters below:

  1. Jeremy Bettings – You can unlock it with 25 touchdowns or 5 high scores.
  2. Big Ben– If you have 50 touchdowns or 10 high scores, you can unlock this character
  3. Mikael Stronghat– 15 high scores or 75 touchdowns can unlock this character.
  4. Boy Newest–You can purchase this character with 25 high scores or 150 touchdowns.


Desktop Controls

  • To start the game, hold the player by pressing the left mouse button. Drag the mouse while pressing the left mouse button according to the position you want.
  • If you release the mouse the game will slow down.

Mobile Controls

  • Tap the mobile screen to move here and there.


  • It is an endless game
  • You have to run 10 yards to score one touchdown.
  • Four locked characters i.e. Jerremy Betting, Big Ben, Mikael Stronghat, and Boy Newest.

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